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DSView Latest Version







Windows 64位

DSView V1.3.2

Windows 32位

DSView V1.3.2

OS X 10.13 and above

DSView V1.3.2

Ubuntu, et al.

DSView V1.3.2

DSTouch Firmware

DS4T1012 Firmware


DS4T252 Firmware


DSTouch - New Touchscreen Oscilloscope

DSTouch maintains or exceeds the performance of desktop oscilloscopes while shrinking to palm-size (117x77x20mm). This makes it ultra-portable and convenient to carry and use anytime, anywhere. The lithium battery power supply design eliminates the constraints of cables and signal grounding, while the all-touch interaction makes it easy to operate. DSTouch also supports advanced features like FFT-based spectrum analysis and real-time protocol decoding, making it an ideal tool for signal analysis.

DSView Changelogs

v1.3.2 (2024-04-27)
*Fix crashes when dragging windows between screens
*Add drag-and-drop and window arrangement support for native Windows windows
*Improve adaptive window and font display at different DPI settings
*Fix the issue of missing firmware on macOS
*Modify the color allocation of the cursor to improve clarity.
*Fix log file creation issue on Windows
*Fix display area coverage and font rendering problems

–for logic analyzer
*Add region waveform save and export feature
*Fix crashes from cursor placement beyond waveform area during decoding
*Fix crashes with specific sampling parameters in loop mode
*Fix crashes from multi-byte search in decoding results
*Improve distance measurement edge selection
*Add reminder for channel settings when adding a decoder
*Implement auto-scroll to latest waveform in loop mode
*Fix protocol decoding issues (CAN/QSPI/DMX512/LIN/…)

–for oscilloscope
*Improve pulse count measurement accuracy
*Fix file export issue with single channel enabled
*Resolve crashes from FFT parameter modification during data acquisition
*Fix waveform and vertical resolution calculation issues in math operations
*Fix waveform anomalies from channel offset exceeding boundaries
*Improve accuracy of mouse measurements

v1.3.1 — (2023-09-28)
* Fix the erroneous bin files released for Linux/macOS systems

–for logic analyzer
* Add support for new hardware (USB2.0 interface/1G sampling rate)
* Fix the external clock issue with the U3Pro series
* Fix the issue with trigger position display in repeat mode
* Fix the problem with the mouse measurements in repeat mode
* Improve the accuracy of threshold voltage
* Fix the issue with the Timing decoder
* Expand the number of bytes decoded per frame for the DMX512 decoder

–for oscilloscope
* Fix the incorrect measurements on first trigger for U3P100
* Fix the error in measurements when the window size changes
* Fix the issue with saving measurements into DSL files
* Fix the loading error of duty cycle in DSL files

–for data acquisiton
* Fix the issue with incorrect values when export CSV file
* Fix the problem with waveform display when the window size changes
* Fix the issues with waveform when different channel are enabled

v1.3.0 — (2023-07-18)
* Improve device management, decouple it from wave acquisition and display
* Add support for dynamically switching font sizes
* Modify the multilingual framework to support language extensions
* Modify the format of session files
* Modify the loading and display of data files
* Optimize the switching between multiple devices
* Add a mandatory prompt to save data when switching
* Update demo device
* Added the ability to view and clear logs

–for logic analyzer
* Add real-time display support for stream mode
* Add scrolling (loop) mode to continuously collect and display in real-time
* Update repeat mode to maintain previous waveform before switching
* Update the display and search of waveform edges
* Add and fix decoders (e.g., can-fd, mipi-rffe, UFCS, etc.)
* Support ordering of decoders and waveform channels, and remember the order
* Support exporting multiple column decoding results to the same CSV file
* Support mapping and saving of decoder names and decoding channel names
* Add Chinese translation for decoder options

–for oscilloscope
* Update the data storage method for oscilloscope channels
* Fix an issue with file saving when using single channel

v1.2.2 — (2023-01-11)
* Add shortcut key recognition of ctrl/shift/alt
* Fix multiple clicks crash during file saving
* Fix screenshot crash under macOS
* Improve accuracy of CSV file

–for logic analyzer
* Support new hardware and firmware versions
* Clean up 0: UART protocol outputs statement
* Add CAN decoder support for CANFD
* Fix wait error for some decoders
* Fix QI decoder bugs
* Fix SPDIF decoder error for incomplete frames
* Add message type support for USB PD decoder

–for oscilloscope
* Fix measure error of DSL files with different channel number

1.2.1 — (2022-08-27)
*add multilingual support for installation paths
*fix the problem that some cloud desktop systems cannot recognize devices
*Add logging and log level setting function

–for logic analyzer
*fix I2C decoder save issue when saving dsl files
*add multingual supoort for channel name when saving dsl files
*fix decoder errors when decoding invalid data
*add data format selection of parallel decoder
*fix channel mode issue of DSLogic U3Pro32 under USB2.0 connection

–for oscilloscope
*fix center position offset issue when scaling waveform

1.2.0 — (2022-07-05)
*fix issue of large file saving failure in some cases
*optimize file saving speed
*fix issue of recognization of USB2.0 devices under MacOS
*fix abnormal window display caused by system scaling
*fix issue of hidden toolbar buttons
*fix assert errors caused by multithreading problem
*modify processing window of file saving
*fix accidental operation issues during file loading
*fix screenshot issue
*build a new compilation method based on cmake
*fix window cannot be recoved issue after moving out of screen
*fix other display issues

–for logic analyzer
*add protocol search function
*add auto stacking function when adding multi-layer protocols
*optimize decoder memory usage
*add specific decoder support for format conversion of data
*add enable/disable options for mouse quick scroll
*add csv export format selection (original / compressed)
*fix issue of wave back search
*optimize parallel decode, and increase to 32 data channels
*optimize the clock edge setting of MDIO decoder
*fix issue of Flexray decoder
*fix issue of ps/2 decoder
*optimize sdcard decoder
*extend interval to 0.1s under repeat mode
*increase number of decoders up to 138

–for oscilloscope
*fix the data accuracy issue when exporting csv file
*fix math waveform generation of half screen data when stop
*remove invalid edge count measurment display
*fix crash caused by trigger dock movement
*fix display error of time ruler in some cases

–for data acquisiton
*fix data inverval error under ultra-low sample rate

1.1.2 — (2020-05-11)
*fix issue of saving/loading file with special characters
*fix issue #226, double-click open dsl file on Windows

–for logic analyzer
*improve range settings in decoders
*add QSPI and MIPI DSI decoders
*merge enhancement of LPC decoder
*fix issue #300, time precision for csv export of decoder results
*fix out-of-order issue of multiple annotation rows in one decoder
*fix issue #306, VCD file export uses the wrong identifier codes

1.1.1 — (2020-04-09)
*improve the icons with svg format for better high DPI display
*fix out of screen issue when DPI scale >= 1.5 @ 1080P

–for logic analyzer
*fix type-c orientation issue for U3Pro16/U3Pro32
*fix decoder issues (enhance detection of i2s stop and dmx512 break)

–for oscilloscope
*improve the auto gain control during auto calibration for U2B100/U3P100
*fix issue of first trigger be ignored

1.1.0 — (2020-02-22)
*add support for DSCope U3P100 device (100M bandwidth/1G samplerate/USB3.0 oscilloscope)
*add support for DSLogic U3Pro32 device (32 channels/1G samplerate/USB3.0 logic analyzer)
*add support for DSCope U2B100 device (100M bandwidth/1G samplerate/USB2.0 oscilloscope)
*add support for DSLogic U3Pro16 device (16 channels/1G samplerate/USB3.0 logic analyzer)
*add display of device type (USB 2.0 / USB 3.0 / Demo / File)
*add version check for FPGA firmware
*improve the default file name when saving/exporting files
*fix other display and language issue

–for logic analyzer
*extend channel support for trigger up to 32 channels
*fix issue of ps/2 decoder (#239)
*fix issue of cec decoder (#235)
*fix ID issue when export results of decoder (#237)
*fix “not” logic don’t work in advance trigger
*fix other display issues

–for oscilloscope
*improve wave shake issue when trig high freqency signals
*fix sampling point selection issue of downsampling
*add 20M bandwidth limitation for DSCope U2B100 / DSCope U3P100 devices
*improve synchronism between data acquisition and wave dispaly
*fix wave display and measurement issue when change vdiv and offset after stop
*fix capture restart issue when change offset in roll mode
*fix issue of timebase of math channel can’t be changed when waiting trigger
*fix issue of offset can’t be changed when waiting trigger
*fix clear and flicker issue of auto measurements
*fix cursor and mouse measurements issue after change samplerate when waiting trigger
*fix trigger issue when toggle between different trigger source

–for data acquisiton
*fix hardware offset setting issue
*fix mipmap issue of long time data at some case
*add cursor and mouse measurements

1.0.1 — (2019-09-15)
*fix issue #227 (firmware compitable issue with certain hardware)

1.0.0 — (2019-09-09)
*add multi-language support and dynamic switch
*add two themes (dark/light) support and dynamic switch
*improve 4K/high DPI display support
*add close function for file type device
*add message tips when encounter file save errors
*fix file format of export file, like VCD
*fix other minor issues

–for logic analyzer
*add support for V3 version decode library
*add more decoders, the number of decoders come up to 97
*improve options and speed for certain decoders
*fix load&store issue of some decode options
*fix wrong measure result at certain sample rate
*fix channel selection of stream mode
*fix filter issue above 100M sample rate
*fix decode error for long time capture
*fix progress display issue when set region decode
*improve measurement bwteent edges in different channels

–for oscilloscope
*improve the auto measure funciton, support up to 20 measurements
*improve UI for auto measure
*implement x-y mode display for lissajous-figure
*implement Add/Sub/Mul/Div math channel
*add horizontal measure cursors
*improve measure of frequency, refer to current trigger level
*fix captured wave display issue when change horizontal resolution
*fix inconsistant issue when export csv file
*improve algorithm of frequency measure, especially for low frequency and special signals
*improve autoset function
*improve auto calibraiton function

–for data acquisiton
*add default settings of Y-axis

0.9.9 (2018-05-30)
*add boundary for the main window
*fix the double border issue #130
*fix measure no update when change cursor in Rule area
*add sample duration setting instead of sample count
*improve save/load and export support
*fix other minor issues

–for logic analyzer
*add more decoders
*add edges distance measure between channels
*add RLE compress options

–for oscilloscope
*add DSCopeC20/DSCopeC20P devices support
*improve UI of channel settings
*improve autoset function

–for data acquisiton
*add DAQ mode for DSCope serial devices

0.9.8 (2017-07-29)
*fix hardware initialization issue(always red led indicator) when power on
*improve move operations of cursors/label/trigger level, support both press-drag and select-move-release mode
*update the manually, and integrate into the menu of the software
*improve the content of ‘About’ menu, add ‘changelogs’ information
*firmware/HDL update

–for logic analyzer
*improve display scale of decoder contents under exception case
*fix display issue of progressbar of saving dsl file, when sample depth greater than 4G
*fix export issue when part of channels enalbed
*fix pattern search issue.
*fix out of boundary issue of scroll bar, when sample depth greater than 8G

–for oscilloscope
*fix auto calibraiton issue
*improve noise processing method

0.9.7 (2017-06-02)
*fix file save fail issue
*fix window missing issue when disconnect external monitor
*fix crash issue when open illegal files
*improve graphics rendering and operations fluency
*fix window display issue: maximize/minimize/show/hide…etc

–for logic analyzer
*Enhance stream mode funtion to achieve 100M@3channels / 50M@6channels / 25M@12channels / 20M@16channels
*improve memory structure, extend sample depth to solve memory alloc fail issue
*resolve the coupling between channel data, unused channels don’t occupy memory space
*add stop options to support upload already captured data under buffer mode
*add save/load function for protocol settings
*add cursor-based edge statistics function
*add repetitive mode to support repeat trigger acquisiton
*improve search funciton to support start position setting
*improve advanced trigger
*improve cursor measurement method, add 16 sets of measurement between cursors
*fix trigger issue when sample rate greater than 100MHz
*fix display issue of trigger position
*implement free combination of channels under stream mode
*improve file saving display window, and add cancel button
*fix partial decoding issue
*fix messy code issue when add protocol decoder
*improve the stability of protocol decoder
*add mapping funtion from graphic decode to list decode
*add mapping flag between grapic decode and list decode
*add channel height option for file device
*add auto snap to edge function when insert cursor

–for oscilloscope
*fix dsl file loading issue
*fix waveform delay display issue after trigger
*fix crash issue when enable/disable channels
*fix vertical position moving issue under stop state
*fix window background rendering issue

0.9.6 (2016-08-12)
*change color matching of UI
*fix memory leakage issues
*improve stability of usb transfer
*add new hardware support
*improve interaction of mouse operations
*improve stability of multi-thread operations
*change usb driver under windows system
*add path memory for file operations
*custom windows title of UI
*change path of setting files, avoid authority issues

–for logic analyzer
*add list viewer for results of protocol decoders
*add search function for protocol list viewer
*add file export for results of protocol decoders
*improve speed and memory usage of protocol decoders
*improve protocol decoders scripts (i2c, uart, spi already done)
*add start and end settings for protocol decoders
*improve serial trigger, add counter for serial value
*improve display and settings for protocol decoders
*add display of trigger time
*add multi-row search for protocol list viewer
*add trigger position and time for file save

–for oscilloscope
*add FFT function for signal analyzer
*add auto/trigger shift function
*improve zero adjustment program
*add manual zero adjustment
*add gain adjustment for each vdiv
*fix signal display issue when resize window
*fix crash issue when change measure settings
*fix run-without-display issue
*add trigger sensitivity setting
*add display of trigger status
*fix measure setting reset issue

0.9.5 (2015-12-14)
–for logic analyzer
*add RLE compress mode
*improve mode setting strategy, fix channel number
*add edge count function
*fix memory leakage when run protocol decoder
*add signal height setting, improve display issue
*fix crash issue when add group signal
*fix channel enable/disable issue
*fix channel display issue when load file input
*add cursor by mouse double-click
*fix other issues

–for oscilloscope
*add file export/load function
*fix wait time issue when trigger setted
*improve display of signal measure
*add Vrms/Vmean/Vp-p measure
*fix setting issue when load session
*imporve add/del of measure ruler
*fix other issues

0.9.4 (2015-06-29)
* add session load/store function
* add drag-and-drop effect in viewport window
* improve display effect of dock windows, add scroll bar
* fix other GUI issues

–for logic analyzer
* upgrade advance trigger counter from 16bit to 32bit
* add serial trigger function
* fix memory leakage issue when load *.dsl files
* fix delete group signal issue when no data captured

–for oscilloscope
* add measurement of width, period, frequency and duty cycle
* fix instant capture issue @ demo mode
* add trigger hold-off time function
* fix channels enable/disable issue
* fix data error issue of instant capture before normal capture
* fix trigger position issue when only one channel enabled
* fix trigger level can’t be changed issue when only one channel enabled

0.9.3 (2015-05-08)
* Upgrade to qt5 library
* Support stdc++11
* Improve measure function @ LA mode
* Add duty cycle measure @ LA mode
* Fix out of range issue @ LA mode
* Add export function, support csv/vcd/gnuplot/zip @ LA mode; and csv @ DSO mode
* Add x1/x10/x100 probe options @ DSO mode
* Add measure function @ DSO mode
* Add voltage display of trigger value @ DSO mode
* Fix wave disappear issue @ DSO mode
* Fix trigger issue @ DSO stream mode
* Fix data repeat when set trigger @ LA stream mode
* Keep channel settings when reload occurred @ LA mode
* Fix decoder issue when capture part of data @ LA mode
* Fix stack decoder add issue @ LA mode
* Fix other bugs

0.9.2 (2015-04-15)
* Add DSLogic Pro and DSCope support
* Add Stream mode to DSLogic & DSLogic Pro
* Support up to 1G samples @ LA mode
* Add zero adjustment @ Oscilloscope mode
* Support zero skew parameters restore
* Enhance stbility
* Fix other bugs

0.4 (2014-09-24)
* Add protocol decoders (38) support
* Improve the hardware configuration under various platforms
* Add different thresholds support
* Add options for input filter under logic analyzer mode
* Add instant capture(trigger ignore) under logic analyzer mode
* Ad detail capture status display under logic abrary
* Support stdc++11
* Improve measure function @ LA mode
* Add duty cycle measure @ LA mode
* Fix out of range issue @ LA mode
* Add export function, support csv/vcd/gnuplot/zip @ LA mode; and csv @ DSO mode
* Add x1/x10/x100 probe options @ DSO mode
* Add measure function @ DSO mode
* Add voltage display of trigger value @ DSO mode
* Fix wave disappear issue @ DSO mode
* Fix trigger issue @ DSO stream mode
* Fix data repeat when set trigger @ LA stream mode
* Keep channel settings when reload occurred @ LA mode
* Fix decoder issue when capture part of data @ LA mode
* Fix stack decoder add issue @ LA mode
* Fix other bugsnalyzer mode
* Add quick button for mode shift
* Redesign the GUI for oscilloscope
* Add flexible sample rate support under oscilloscope mode
* Fix trigger value setting issue
* Improve trigger method under oscilloscope mode
* Add shortcut keys for major operations
* Fix other bugs

0.3 (2014-06-29)
* Add DSLogic Oscilloscope module support.
* Fix data display issue when not all channels be enabled.
* Fix issue of data mirrored to other channels.
* Fix radiobutton/checkbox display issue under certain windows theme.
* Add new simple trigger type
* Fix bugs of trigger setting and detection
* Fix other minior issues.
* Clean up the git repository

0.2.1 (2014-05-08)
* Add wireless extension hardware support.
* Fix libusb_error_io issue on Linux when sample rate >= 100MHz.
* Fix channel enable/disable bug.
* Fix device options config issue.
* Fix some display issues of UI.

0.2.0 (2014-04-13)
* Add DSLogic hardware support.

0.1.0 (2013-12-15)
* Initial release.

DSView Changelogs

DSTouch Changelogs

DSTouch firmware update method: Connect DSTouch to the computer using a USB data cable. In the DSTouch menu, select File -> USB, and once the connection is successful, a USB drive will appear on the computer. Place the upgrade file in the root directory of this USB drive, and ensure that the battery is more than half charged. The DSTouch will automatically update the firmware during the next boot.

v1.00 — (2024-05-29)
* Add channel signal invert feature
* Add touch screen lock/unlock functionality
* Add shortcut key to center waveform horizontally
* Fix display issue after taking FFT operation screenshots
* Fix signal generator waveform disappearance after screenshot
* Improve horizontal cursor measurement accuracy
* Resolve issue of automatic shutdown after some operations
* Fix waveform update issue after scroll mode stops
* Resolve vertical stripe appearance on right side waveform at 16M depth
* Fix waveform affected by another channel’s vertical resolution after stopping
* Fix inability to wake directly from touchscreen after deep sleep
* Aligne xy mode image orientation with waveform
* Optimize other UI and display concerns

v0.99t (Beta version) — (2023-04-23)
* Add FFT spectrum analysis
* Add UART/I2C/SPI protocol analysis
* Improve high/low level identification and auto measurement accuracy
* Improve autoset logic and speed
* Add autoset for Burst transmission
* Improve screenshot capture process and resolve conflicts
* Change default mode for single capture to Normal trigger
* Fix auto measurement issue with first capture result
* Fix capture and measurement issues after waking up from deep sleep
* Fix measurement display issue when switching trigger status
* Fix measurement errors in VBars/HBars
* Fix issue of entering X-Y mode when channel is closed
* Optimize UI display and resolve conflicts

v0.98 — (2022-09-22)
* Improve autoset considering DC and offset
* Improve frequency measurement accuracy
* Add voltage display when setting trigger level
* Fix single pulse width measurement issue
* Fix synchronization issue with storage depth setting and display
* Improve channel selection logic when using autoset
* Fix waveform scaling display issue in certain states
* Fix auto save and load issues with certain parameters
* Disable persistence mode for single capture
* Modify measurement menu selection during horizontal resolution adjustment to prevent accidental input
* Modify trigger level selection to limit it to the rightmost two cells in the waveform area
* Optimize other UI display issues

v0.97 — (2022-04-17)
* Improve interaction logic for simpler and user-friendly operation
* Improve smoothness of waveform operation with large storage depth
* Add manual selection and real-time switching of different storage depths
* Improve algorithm for auto calibration
* Add manual amplitude calibration
* Improve autoset operation logic
* Add sleep prompt window and improve sleep-wake process
* Add delete and switch operations in the measurement menu
* Add voltage/current unit switching
* Improve effectiveness of timebase adjustment wheel
* Fix issue of automatic shutdown in certain cases
* Fix garbled characters when entering X-Y mode without waveform
* Improve battery charging status display when battery is low
* Modify screenshot display effect
* Fix display issues in English language
* Fix character misalignment caused by language switching
* Optimize other UI operations and display issues

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